Friday, 21 February 2014

My Nominations for the First ME CFS FMS Blog Awards (2)

Hello all!

So basically, this is a continuation from yesterdays post. I've just taken some painkillers so I'm hoping my headache will ease a bit whilst I'm doing this.

Yesterday, I explained the rules of the Blog Awards started by Sally. It's a great idea and as I want to try and raise as much awareness as possible, I'm going to share with you 6 others blogs. I shared 4 with you yesterday and I thought I'd take the tally up to 10!

Here goes...

This is Megan with "my chronic life journey".

Megan was diagnosed last April after being rushed to hospital with extreme stomach cramps. A lot of Megan's posts provide useful tips for those suffering with M.E. She has also started up the "Foggy Frog and the Pain Gang Campaign" which you should check out.

Next up is Ali with "All about ME!".

Ali suffers with severe M.E. and gives us a great insight into what it's like to be a mum whilst suffering with the illness. From the preparations through to the pregnancy, this is a must read for any mums to be.

Next up is Cort Johnson with his blog on the "Health Rising" website.

Cort writes many articles based on facts and reports. It's a must read for those who are into statistics and for those looking to help find a cure to this illness. The article "What stops you from trying to get better? An ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia community report" may be of particular interest to you.

Next up is Cari with her blog on the "Heal Click" website.

Cari's blog is very much like Cort's blog as she writes many articles based on facts and reports. "Sensory Overload & Lack of Inhibition in Fibromyalgia & MECFS may interest you in particular:

Next up is Leigh with "a Path Through the Valley". 

Leigh has suffered with M.E. since the age of 15. In this blog, a variety of topics are talked about including "Bible/theology, UK politics/poverty and disability/chronic illness". It provides a great insight into Leigh's life with M.E. and in particular I thought you may like to see this post: Leigh set this up for M.E. Awareness week last year when a few of us wrote about a different topic on our blogs each day, it also has links to the other blogs as well as my Youtube channel.

Next up is Jess with "My Journey Thru M.E.".

Jess was a solicitor who came down with M.E. just a couple of years ago whilst in her 20's. Her blog tells the story of her life through this horrible illness. As well as giving us an insight into her life with ME, Jess also provides links, remedies and her own strategy regarding M.E.

So there we go, there's my last 6!

I'm very tired now and my headache has come back, it's 21:14pm and I need to put my tea on!

Thanks for reading everyone and continue to raise awareness for this terrible illness.

For the rules concerning nominations, check out my last post. :)

Barry x



  1. Thank you Barry for putting so much time and effort into this. Hope I didn't cause you too much of a headache with it all.

  2. Not at all, the least I could do. :)

  3. Thanks Barry! I appreciate the nomination. I'll be doing an award acceptance post in the next week or so, so I will accept it then.
